About us

Pete’s Pete’sDragons was founded in 2010 by CEO Alison Jordan, following the suicide of her younger brother Pete. Starting as a small fundraising group, the Dragons have since developed into experts in the field. With over a decade of experience, we are commissioned to run support services in Devon and North Somerset.

Our mission

It is ourmission to reach those impacted by suicide and provide support that is timely, appropriate and carried out by professionals.  

We know thateveryone experiences grief in a unique way and we believe that every persondeserves bespoke help following a suicide loss.  

That means nowaiting lists, no limits on the number of sessions and access to supportwherever you are on your grief journey (whether the death was yesterday or tenyears ago).

Support for Professionals, Schools & Organisations
Our Mission

Our Mission.

It is our mission to better understand and reduce suicides happening in the local area. Through our Real-time System, we are driving forward research in the South West. All of our experience and knowledge is then translated into our in-house training courses – addressing suicide at every level, from postvention, to prevention and intervention.

How we got our name

Leaving a legacy to Pete’s Dragons

Please help us to help people impacted by suicide in the future by remembering Pete’sDragons with a gift in your Will. 

Leaving a gift in your Will to Pete’s Dragons will ensure that we can continue to help and support all those people in Devon and North Somerset who have been impacted by suicide. Many of us put off making a Will but it is important to do so to ensure that our wishes are carried out in full. Always consult a solicitor to ensure you are given the best possible legal advice on making a Will. It is also a good idea to prepare for this first.

How do I find a solicitor near me?

You can find a solicitor through the National Will Register by visiting certainty.org.uk or through the Law Society:

England and Wales lawsociety.org.uk 020 7242 1222
Scotland lawscot.org.uk 0131 226 7411
Northern Ireland lawsoc-ni.org 028 9023 1614