Professionals & Organisations

We understand how the impact of suicide ripples throughout communities and organisations.

Pete's Dragons is able to offer support to your community members and colleagues in whichever way would suit you best.

Pete's Dragons

Support for Professionals, Schools & Organisations

We understand how the impact of suicide ripples throughout communities and organisations. Pete's Dragons is able to offer support to your community members and colleagues in whichever would suit you best.

Support for Professionals, Schools & Organisations
Support for Professionals, Schools & Organisations

If suicide has touched your workplace

We can offer support, advice and training for staff members and service users. You can call in at any time to receive free information and advice in the aftermath of a suicide. We also provide group and one-to-one sessions for organisations. Alternatively, visit our training section if you would like to expand your team’s skills in suicide awareness and intervention, emotional wellbeing or bereavement.

Get organisational support

It really helped to have some experienced, external perspective on the death, the nature of my work and the emotions it creates in me specifically. It was also useful to explore the residual feelings of blame.


Make a professional referral

If you are supporting someone in a professional capacity who you think would benefit from our support, you can make a Professional Referral using the enquiry form. Once we have received your enquiry, we will arrange a time to call to discuss whether the referral is appropriate.

Professional referral form

Don’t forget to prioritise your own wellbeing

We’ve found that when working in the field of supporting and caring for other people it can be challenging to find the space to accept similar support ourselves. We hope that if you have been impacted by suicide in the workplace, you consider accessing our free emotional support – where one-off sessions are available.

Get support for yourself

Professionals & Organisations

We understand how the impact of suicide ripples throughout communities and organisations. Pete's Dragons is able to offer support to your community members and colleagues in whichever would suit you best.

Initial consultation

Expert consultation to guide your organisation through the difficult days and weeks following a suicide. Helping you to create a postvention plan and building confidence within your management team

ExeChanges | Providers of Therapeutic Supported Living for Children & Young People

Support sessions

Face-to-face support in 1-1 and group settings. Our Suicide Bereavement Specialists will help members of your organisation to process their emotional reaction to the death, from staff and students to service users.

ExeChanges | Providers of Therapeutic Supported Living for Children & Young People

Ongoing advice

From Q&A drop-ins for worried parents, to postvention upskilling sessions for your wellbeing team. We will work with you in the months following the death to ensure you have all of the guidance your community might need.

ExeChanges | Providers of Therapeutic Supported Living for Children & Young People


A range of emotional wellbeing, suicide intervention and suicide prevention options are available. Adding additional confidence and resilience to your organisation & community.

Get Organisational Support


Help is at Hand

A resource for people bereaved through suicide or other unexplained death, and for those helping them.

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Finding the Words

How to support someone who has been bereaved and affected by suicide.

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First Hand

Making sense of the lasting memories and emotions following the suicide of someone you didn't know.

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